111-11-15 POS siege still ongooing in Gulfoondi PDF Print E-mail
Written by Karagh   
Monday, 16 November 2009 09:39

Just some hours after the evacuation of the science installations in Gulfondi the raiders came back. Thanks to electus matari pilots of all corporation the evacuation where successfull and the defence modules where totally repaired and ready for the next assault. Early in the morning of 111-11-14 the assault on the POS started again after an allied maelstrom where lost on reshipping for defence procedures. Shortly afte a combined EM strike force jumped into the battle at sniper distance and opened fire on the attackers. Due to the close range fitting of the raiders they need to redraw from the fight and according to Evanda Char it looks not like an ordered removing but like a run away. The defence modules tracked down one hostile battleship which where cut into pieces by the defence forces. So the fight ended in a 1:1 kill ratio with a saved POS again.

111-11-15 - again raider forces showed up in local solarsystem with a changed strategy at this time. They started to camp the republic fleet station in Gulfondi with a force of 19 battleships to cut off defending forces from helping each other. EM forces grouped up with a slightly less enforced strike group as the raiders had. Several bait ships undocked to keep each other alive till the fleet jumps in to engage the attackers. Plan runned perfectly EM encountered no loss at all and managed to shut down three hostile BSses. According to the latest reports they where not prepared to encounter such EM fleet at this time and docked up in panic as fast as possible.

On the diplomatics front Tempest Legion joined DEAMON - they where helping them the last days as neutral repairs and supply runners. So high command expects that more WTs will appear on the battlefield soon. If the last battle broke down their will to engage is unclear - so the story will go on.

Thanks to all pilots for their efforts on defending our assets as well as repelling the attacks to the installations. Keep up the good work.

Last Updated on Monday, 16 November 2009 10:14