112-02-07 Pator RSS Station security alert PDF Print E-mail
Written by Karagh   
Sunday, 07 February 2010 18:25

Early this morning a security breach at docking ramp VI-061 was detected on the Pator RSS Kuhlheim station. Afterwards a large part of the docking bays as well as the storage sector where closed for public use. RSS troop transport ships where seen docking at the station an an unusual high presence of security forces where blocking the access to all sections. Normal station business was not availible for hours. Several reporters tried to get information about the closure of such large parts of the station. The Officer in Command gave just the following statement: "This sector is closed - and will not be reopened soon - please move on - there is nothing special ...". Well if there wouldnt be something special it would be not of any use to place full armed officers everywhere... Inhabitants of the station where forced to return to their quarters and all offices and shops where closed. Till now it is not clear if this security breach is linked to the ship destruction which occoured several weeks ago. This ship was destroyed while gate activation of a pator jump gate. The remaining parts of the destruction where moved to this station for further investigation and stored at docking ramp VI-061. It seems something went wrong on the investigation but no further information are availiable yet.

TWB officials coment on the security breach: "... We are very upset about the current situation. WE have a personal interest in the wreck of the ship due to the data found about our operations. RSS as well as all other officials have rejected any help from our side to solve the secret behind the accident. TWB has offered unlimited resources, money and material for the investigation. TWB specialists as well as BIONE scientists where ready to start immediatily with the work. A full science starbase where assembled to offer optimal environment for the work on the wreck... RSS rejected all our offers of help. NOW due to incompetence of several entities it seems we lost the last chance of reconstructing the accident. WE will not accept such non cooperation - someone will pay for this..."

RSS officials where not happy about the offence from TWB side and released this statement: "We reject any offence versus our organisation. It is true TWB offered a large support - however this is an internal closed non official investigation. That way we need to reject any external help. At the moment we where not able to give any statement about the state of investigation. To the events of this morning - we closed services of large parts of the station due to the security alert. Right now it seems to be a malfunction in the sensor array of a specific part of the station. At the moment of the alert this was not known by the security forces. They acted as described in the security protocol. Due to the security level of the wreck investigation a very high security protocol was executed by our officers and agents. We are sorry for any inconvinience this had taken. As we know right now nothing was removed from the wreck - situation is now back to normal and everything can go back to business as usual. Please note - our protocols protect the inhabitants of this station as well as the republic. If we are able to protect our people from threats we are successfull - this time we where able to protect you..."

After several hours station business went back to normal - even if the presence of police officers are still high. Hopefully noone gots hurt this time and it will not happen too often. The standings to local merchants are damaged due to the loss of income. If this happens more often Pator Kuhlheim will suffer a significant decrease of the trading volume.

Last Updated on Sunday, 07 February 2010 18:51