111-11-25 Communicaion hook sucessfully removed from POS installation |
Written by Karagh
Wednesday, 25 November 2009 10:04 |
After several days TWB special forces removed the object which where found hidden at a POS installation. According to the comanding officer it was rather hard to defuse this communication hook due to trapping circuits as well asexplosive charges. He mentioned that a minor mistake could have destruct the installation - which would be quiet expensive to be lost for TWB. Even though the outage due to the defusing will cost TWB several million ISK, According to TWB high command the outage was preferred to the total loss of the installation.
The object is now under closer investigation - but to the latest information it could be used to hook up all of the TWB internal communication as well as granted access to all intel files and market analysis. If alliance comunication was compromised as well was not comented by the officials.
The removement of the object seem to have strange results in TWB operated communication links as well as ships and modules. Internals of TWB reporting that several interfaces are still have malfunctions. The already inflicted damage is rather high - some short reports:
An example where the market interface disconnect on 111-11-24. For more than two hours it was impossible to change any market orders nor any controling of sales.
Another accident happend when jock009 where directly attacked in our hidden base in nowhere. According to his reports the hostile jumped directly above his ship and opened fire - within 5 seconds the integrity of the ship structure where melted down.
Iron Jaw reported total malfunction of his Myrmidon while attacking a wartarget in empire. Without drone control and with disabled weapons he could not reengage the hostile and could only await the destruction of his ship without any chance of escape.
Shalber from TWB where shot down by privateer forces. Alliance security reported that this pilot had Republic Fleet Midshipman Insignia II in his cargohold - which could only be aquired from a dead republic pilot. TWB high command has started a full investigation on this.
"At the moment several events try to destabelize our internal structure as well as our capabilities. But in a short period of time we will know where this little present came from and we will have to prepare our answers on this." |
Last Updated on Friday, 15 January 2010 11:17 |