111-11-12 TWB special forces try to defuse unknown object PDF Print E-mail
Written by Karagh   
Thursday, 12 November 2009 12:20

Security breach detected.

According to the surveillance cameras this object was spotted inside the forcefield of a TWB POS. The supply ship crew have detected this object at first and informed the security about it - because it seemed not to be blong to the POS installations. TWB internals mention that they did not place this object nor even know what it is or what it is used for. Due to the close range to the nearby control tower it can be that the object is either an espionage hook or a bomb which will be used to destruct the whole installation.

All crew members of the POS as well as scientists and technicians where evacuated and at the moment a special forces try to defuse the object.

Barry Wild (responsible for front line logistics and production within TWB) comment on this: "We will see what this blue blinking object is - and we will get known where it comes from. If we will see that one of our competitors are trying to agress us we will have the right answers for it. I would not like to comment if this object has some links to the communication problems we had some weeks ago ... "


Last Updated on Friday, 15 January 2010 11:16