112-01-02 Accident while Electus Matari Happy New Year Party Print
Written by Karagh   
Sunday, 03 January 2010 18:04

Accident while Electus Matari Happy New Year Party

An acceleration gate malfunction was responsible for the death of the shuttle crew which where traveling through Pator. That is the official version of the accident which had lead to a glowing fireball at the gate yesterday.

Inofficial sources mention this was an armored transport which where escorted by a larger security force. According to the internal source this shuttle where transporting high rank members of a trade consortium to their next meeting. At the moment it is quiet unclear how it was possible to bypass the security level and to sabotage either the ship or the gate. Only high skilled expensive professionals would be able to do this.

Electus Matari seem not to be linked to this accident but police forces where seen at Pator VII (Kuhlheim) RSSAP station while interviewing TWB directors. This happend while the alliance celebrated their happy new year dinner at Orchid Gardens restaurant.

"I would not like to comment the current situation nor anything what where asked by the police forces. It is impossible that TWB has anything to do with this accident - all of our members in Pator where at this dinner and there are dozens of pilots who can proove this. At least just this comment: we will always find those who try to harm our business..."


Last Updated on Friday, 15 January 2010 11:16