111-10-27 Pator - dead technician found in waste incinerating plant Print
Written by Karagh   
Tuesday, 27 October 2009 12:43

This morning pator police force announced that a dead technician where found in an waste incinerating plant. This technician - name where not given out public - worked for the wild bunch corporation for the last years and where maintaining the communication arrays of their business network. Police officer mentioned that it was rather hard to identify the corpse due to its deformation and due to high radiation.

TWB officials comment about the drama:
"TWB is very sorry to loose such a qualified technician to such an accident. We will help the bereaved to cover the loss they encountered. However we reject all rumours that point on the fact that we have removed him by force because of the technicial issues we had with our communication relays in the last weeks. If so - we would not left traces behind."

Comment on this: TWB suffered a heavy loss of their communication abilities due to a blackout in their infrastructure in the last week.

"TWB needs to beat competitors on the fast changing and reacting interstellar market - mistakes on that level of business are desasters nobody can imagine. Mistakes cant be accepted - we are relying trusted loyalists who work with ultra high precision for our goals."

Last Updated on Friday, 15 January 2010 11:13